An Evaluation of “Defining Respectful Leadership: What It Is, How It Can Be Measured, and Another Glimpse at What It Is Related to” example

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An Evaluation of “Defining Respectful Leadership: What It Is, How It Can Be Measured, and Another Glimpse at What It Is Related to”

Successful organizations develop their own leadership styles, which help them to achieve their strategic goals. Leadership is the complex issue, which requires serious analysis and adaptation to the purposes of the particular organization. Taking into account that modern organizations operate in the fast changing competitive environment, it is essential for their successful operation to use such type of leadership, which will serve their goals. Organizational management frequently deals with the problem of the assessment of the proper leadership style for the particular organization and respectful leadership is one of the styles that fit the context of most of the modern companies. Nevertheless, its key characteristics are still not well assessed in the organizational practice. The paper represents the comprehensive assessment of the quantitative paper by Quaquebeke and Eckloff “Defining Respectful Leadershi” (2010), which aim to identify the key characteristics of the respectful leadership and to define the relationship between this measurement and vertical and contextual assessment of employees’ identification with their leaders. This evaluation will be based on the generally accepted criteria of quality appraisal of the quantitative research articles proposed by Holland & Rees in 2010, as well as on the criteria by Boazh and Ashby (2003) frequently applied for the assessment of quantitative research works. Each section of the article will be thoroughly analyzed and evaluated starting from the introduction and ending with discussion section. Special attention will be paid to the methodological issues of the proposed research, analysis of the results and discussion of the significance of the research findings for the further investigation of the respectful leadership in the context of the organizational management.

The Authors and the Journal

The article under analysis was published in the Journal of Business Ethics. This journal publishes only original articles focused on the ethical issues related to business context that bring something new to the field of empirical research on the topic. The most popular themes of the Journal of Business Ethics relate to consumption, production, marketing, labor relations, public relations and organizational behavior. All these topics are analyzed from the ethical point of view and analyze the topics related to business ethics with respect to various all the members of the business community, including employees, organization, government and customers (Jstor). The objective of many articles within the journal is not only to provide the empirical evidence concerning certain aspects of the organizational performance, but also to assess its performance from the ethical point of view and to initiate the dialogue between the different economic agents being involved in the business relations within the organization. The authors of the article Niels van Quaquebeke and Tilman Eckloff are highly respected researchers in the fields of organizational behavior and leadership who published a number of articles in this field. Their empirical research works related to leadership investigate the ethical aspects of leaderships, its value for …

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