Potential Relation Between Circular Economy and Waste Prevention example

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Potential Relation Between Circular Economy and Waste Prevention


This research explores the concept of circular economy, its core principles and the interrelations with waste management strategies. The concept of a circular economy was compared with a linear economy that is viewed as an entity, separate from the natural ecosystem deriving resources from it, making use of them and finally disposing the waste products. Key motivation of the actors operating in a circular economy has been defined, namely keeping a product at its highest value for as long as possible. Business models that can be implemented in a circular economy were briefly discussed as well as the necessity to move from a product-oriented business model to a result-oriented one. Finally, the waste management approaches appropriate in a circular economy were explained and characterized. It was considered and detailed such waste management practices as recycling, remanufacturing, waste treatment; and composting and anaerobic digestion of waste materials. This research has also explored the motivational patterns of packaging recycling among the final consumers in the Manchester area. It was determined that overall, most of consumers are concerned with the amount of packaging waste generated and express willingness to participate in recycling. The most influential factors that tend to have an impact on the participatory behavior of community members are following: feedback and social expectations regarding the participation in a waste recycling adopted in the community, and also lack of waste awareness.


1.1.1.Case Study: The City of Surat in India
1.1.2.Case Study: Municipal Dumpsite in Quezon City, Philippines
1.2.Purpose of this Research
1.3.Learning Objectives
2.Circular Economy
2.1.The Concept of Circular Economy
2.2.Core Principles of Circular Economy
2.3.Creating Value in the Circular Economy
2.3.1.Case Study: Phillips Healthcare.
2.4.Business Models in a Circular Economy
2.5.Planned Obsolescence
3.Waste Management and Waste Prevention
4.Recycling and Creating Value from Waste
4.1.Paper Recycling
4.2.Glass Recycling
4.3.Plastic Recycling
4.4.Metal Waste Recycling
6.Waste Treatment Options
7.Composting and Anaerobic Digestion
7.1.Composting Technologies
7.2.Anaerobic Digestion
8.Research Design and Key Findings
8.1.Research Questions
8.2.Research Methodology
8.3.Key Finding


1.The Ellen MacArthur Butterfly Diagram
2.Inertia Principle
3.Classification of Business Models
4. The five Circular BusinessModels
5. Waste management hierarchy
6. The Recycling Process


1.Total World Consumption of Paper and Cardboard Materials
2.Costs of Production of Newspaper from Virgin and Recycled Materials
3.Costs of Production of Glass from Virgin and Recycled Materials
4.Environmental Costs of Producing 1 Ton of High Density Polyethylene Granulates
5.Environmental Costs of Producing Steel
6.Factors Influencing Participatory Behaviour of the Community

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