100 College and High School Biology Paper Topics

Biology is a subject that everyone studies at high school. Many students who choose natural science, biochemistry or medicine as their major at the university continue to study biology on an advanced level. We decided to tell you how to choose a topic for biology paper as well as provide you with a long list of possible ideas for your research paper.
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❓ What You Should Know About Biology Research Paper
The most often question we receive: How to write a good biology research paper? We are sure that the following 3 factors will guarantee the success:
1️⃣ Proper research in advance
That is what we suggest to do for any research paper and it is specifically important for biology paper. It is an exact science and you have to be sure about all the issues you analyze in the essay.
2️⃣ Determine the purpose of your research
You should have a proper goal of your research paper, whether it is an analysis of existing approaches to a certain phenomenon or your own experiment and design of new understanding of a biological concept.
3️⃣ Work in a narrow area
The broader the topic you choose – the more difficult it is for you to do a background research, plan and cover all the aspects. A narrow area guarantees that the topic you cover will be elaborated fully.
📋List of 100 Biology Research Paper Topics
🧫 Cell Biology Topics
- Regenerative medicine of the future.
- Prospects for the development of cell therapy.
- Prospects for the creation of artificial organs.
- What is tissue engineering?
- What is therapeutic cloning?
- The problem of cell differentiation, dedifferentiation, and reprogramming of differentiated cells.
- Mechanisms of cell aging
- Possibilities of regeneration of multicellular organisms.
- The problem of intracellular compartments.
⚛ Molecular Biology Topics
- Production of growth hormone and insulin using genetic engineering.
- Methods of the sequencing of nucleotide sequences of DNA.
- Methods of molecular biology.
- Telomerase, telomerase: aging, cancer.
- Chemical-enzymatic synthesis of genes.
- Polymerase chain reaction and testing of hereditary diseases.
- DNA-telomerase and problems of molecular gerontology.
- Dynamic re-propagation of the translation.
- Molecular chaperonins and their role in folding polypeptides.
- RNA replicates and prospects for extracellular protein synthesis.
💊 Antibiotic Resistance Topics
- Environmental problems associated with the production and use of antibiotics.
- Factors of the allergic reaction to antibiotics.
- Toxic effect of antibiotics.
- Side effects associated with the biological effect of antibiotics.
- Antibiotics and their effect on microbial interactions.
- The technology of obtaining antibiotics and their effect on the human body.
- Antibiotics of the penicillin group.
- Quality control of antibiotics.
- Antibiotics in the complex treatment of diseases of internal organs.
- The use of antibiotics in veterinary and animal husbandry.
🧬 Genetic Disorders Topics
- DNA technology in medical genetics.
- The achievements of transcriptomics and proteomics in medical genetics.
- Genetic databases. Databases for medical genetics.
- Mendelian types of inheritance.
- Mutations of genes in humans: mechanisms and consequences.
- Oligogenic diseases (Bardet-Biddle syndrome, deficiency cortisone reductase, hemochromatosis, Hirschsprung disease).
- Mapping and cloning of genes of hereditary diseases.
- Analysis linkage and genetic mapping.
- Genetic polymorphism and diseases.
- Full-genomic studies in multifactorial diseases.
- Clinic and genetics of chromosomal diseases associated with structural chromosome rearrangements.
🐣 Infertility Topics
- Risk factors of infertility for men
- Risk factors of infertility for women
- Classification of infertility species
- Methods of infertility treatment
- The principle of hormonal analysis in the treatment of infertility
- Current estimation of reproductive health of people in the USA
- Comparison of approaches to fighting against infertility in different countries
- Theoretical aspects of infertility
- Aging effect on infertility
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🧠 Neurobiology Topics
- Peripheral nervous system and the autonomic nervous system
- Neurophysiology of motivations and emotions.
- Phases of human sleep. Neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness.
- Discovery of the nervous system cellular structure. Neurons: structure, classification, functional significance.
- The most important milestones in the development of modern ideas about the mechanisms of the psyche and behavior in the late XIX – early XX centuries.
- General structure of the central and peripheral nervous system.
- Ratio of congenital and acquired in instinctive behavior. Structure of the behavioral act.
- The mechanism of speech formation. Motor control of vocalization in humans.
- Neurophysiology of attention. Classification of types of attention.
- Formation of thinking, speech, consciousness, material culture of a person.
🦀 Cancer Paper Topics
- Structure of oncological service
- Medicinal plants used in oncology
- Statistical research of cancer patients
- Principles of deontology in oncology
- Radiation therapy of malignant tumors
- Future of cancer: the invention of cures?
- Cancer risk factors
- Features of the breast cancer development
- Predisposition to the stomach cancer disease
- Children oncological diseases
👩🌾 Agriculture Topics
- The Green Revolution: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
- Employment and labor productivity in agriculture of foreign countries.
- Land resources and their use in agriculture of developed and developing countries.
- US Grain Economy and prospects for its development.
- Cereals: distribution by regions of the world and production prospects.
- The use of land in the world’s largest countries.
- Leasing relations in agriculture
- World food system in the era of the gene revolution.
- World trade in food: trends and development prospects.
🌵 Biology Research Topics on Plants
- Evolutionary theory of plants origin.
- The general concept of the biological cycle.
- Photosynthesis — the main process of plant organisms.
- Plant cell pigments.
- Minerals in the plant cell.
- Physiologically active substances of the cell (enzymes, vitamins).
- Phytohormones and their role in the life of plants.
- Antibiotics and phytoncides as physiologically active substances of the plant cell
- Spare substances of plant cells (starch proteins, fats)
- Plant roots, anatomical structure, and functions
- Modifications of roots, types of roots
- The role of ash elements in the plant
- The stem and its structure. Stalk morphology
🅰 Easy Biology Topics to Research
- Effect of smoking, alcohol and drug use by parents on the embryonic development of the child.
- Vitamins, enzymes, hormones and their role in the body. Infringements at their lack and surplus.
- The causes and limits of the biosphere stability based on the impact of human activities.
- Biocenoses (ecosystems) of different levels and their co-ordination in the global ecosystem – the biosphere.
- Species and ecological diversity of biocenosis as the basis of its stability.
- Increase of the photosynthesis productivity in artificial ecological systems.
- Various ecological pyramids and the ratio of organisms at each of their stages.
- Ways to increase biological productivity in artificial ecosystems.
- The role of governmental and public environmental organizations in modern developed countries.
- Rational use and protection of non-renewable natural resources (based on specific examples).
- Danger of global disturbances in the biosphere. Ozone “holes”, acid rains, smog, and their prevention.
❓ How to Choose a Topic for a Biology Paper?
We would like to recommend you two resources where you can get inspiration and find the best topic for your research paper:
EBSCO is an academic engine search that is the best resource that you can use for your background research on the topic. There are a lot of articles, books, reports, other biology researchers’ thesis that may upgrade your knowledge and give you ideas for your own work.
Coursera is an amazing innovative educational platform that works with universities and other organizations and offers online courses, specializations, and degrees in a variety of subjects. There are a lot of courses in biology, medicine, biotechnologies. Joining this platform will help you to fully engage in the topic and receive in-depth insights on any field you want. The courses are appropriate for all levels of education: from beginners to advanced specialists in biology.

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