Interesting Presentation Topics for Students By Tutors

I always thought presentations to be the easiest task ever — I hated oral presentations before university, but my slides and notes still got A and A+. Now, being in touch with many students from all over the world, I found out that people often cannot figure them out. Images with watermarks, slide animations, speaker notes, PowerPoint bugs and stuff — it all creates a vortex of work, which causes students to sink.
The purpose of the presentation is to teach you how to find information, put it shortly and leave chaff aside. Technical tricks and in-depth research are useful, but not necessary for a good grade. You must make your presentation easy!
Everything begins with presentation topic — I believe it does half of all work. Today we will resolve common issues with presentations together and explore all lifehacks that nerds and I have collected.
Contents (Clickable)
How to Make a Presentation Interesting and Why All Depends on Topic? Tips from Tutors
Interesting presentation is your primary task — a number of sources, design and other technical specs are of secondary importance. Tutors I know always focus on it particularly, so if you managed to make your presentation attractive, you would have B for granted.
“Ok, nerd, — you say. — Making presentation interesting is not easy!” In fact, it is easy, if you follow my “Audience Interest” checklist.
- Topic is critical for the audience. Critical means “urgent” — the risk of being hit by an autonomous car in the U.S. is more essential that the danger of being invaded by Martians.
- Topic is relevant to the audience. In cities with a significant number of public transport users like Washington or London, autonomous cars threats for pedestrians are the most interesting. In towns of car owners like Austin or Denver, people will be more pleased to hear about the ability of automated cars to eliminate traffic jams.
- Topic explores something previously unknown to the audience. Everyone knows that GPS satellites fly around the Earth, but the majority of people do not know that Einstein made them possible (good tip for the topic!).
- Title of slide goes before main contents, images go before your talk or show text. Anticipation and imagination of the audience help to make even the most generic presentation interesting.
- Only the coolest facts are used. In presentations, your time is limited, so it is an excellent opportunity to avoid being boring. For instance, if you have found out that Shakespeare used drugs and want to present evidence, you do not need to show his biography and bibliography.
- The presentation talks about problems and leaves some answers up your sleeve. It will make the audience crave asking you questions — isn’t it a manifestation of interest?
You may already see the proof for my words. Presentation topics determine the clear majority of success factors. The only thing remaining is to master your body and mind, two areas you need use in an oral presentation.
How not to Be Nervous During Presentation?
I have already mentioned that I hated oral presentations. When I appeared in front of an audience — even as little as my classmates and a tutor — my hands instantly went sweaty. I thought that I looked timid and nervous, so my voice went dead-alive, I began stuttering and using junk words like “Uh,” “Ok,” “You Know” etc.
When teachers gave me a good mark and audience applauded after all that ordeal, I thought that they do it out of pity. “It is hard to be a nerd. — I used to think. — At least, my mom says that I will have a good job after graduation.”
Then, right during the first classes in the university, I learned about spotlight effect. It was a revelation from the heaven that helped me to be never nervous during presentation again!
We overestimate how much we are noticed. Stuttering, flaws in our look and mistakes in speech are 200 to 500% less visible to an audience than we used to think.
Spotlight effect is a real thing. In one study, speakers with presentations who did not know about spotlight effect assessed their nervousness as 7 out of 10, and the audience scored it 3.5 out of 10. After speakers learned about spotlight effect, they became more relaxed, and audience score decreased to zero.
Thus, you do not need to worry at all — your fear is an illusion proved by psychologists. A friend of mine, who is also a psychology professor, once said: “People are troubled with their stuff — they will be glad if you deliver an interesting presentation, but they do not care if you are nervous. When you deliver a presentation, you usually do it in front of people with same concerns. A person with the same pain in a neck will never laugh at you — or, at least, they expect you to laugh at them too!”
Have an essay due? Need to write a college essay? Let Homework Lab help you with your task: Now we are good to proceed with the topics that easy to present and require only a little of work. I conducted my private research to find presentations that received the highest mark while the lowest amount of effort was put. Here is the top ten you do not want to miss: The unique presentation for college and high school students is not a big deal. If you follow the checklist one section before, you will definitely have a unique topic. However, I often use a couple of tricks to make easy topics unique and still accessible and effortless to work with. Thus, unique presentation means “your own”— you should find the problem or propose a solution that you did not found on the Internet. You may see that it is much easier than it looks like. Browse and download essay examples from the most full and up to date Free Online Essay Database at Homework Lab. All the examples of college essays have been donated by the students to boost your writing creativity. However, when you have many courses or live in a big city, imagination may play wicked tricks with you — no good topic for presentation will come to the mind. Reading a guide for every high school or college major would be too long and painful, so I collected a catalog of best topics you can pick up right now. These themes are created with the one-size-fits-all approach — you can take them, drop into any classroom and get your deserved A or B. At the same time, they do not appear very often, so you may treat them as unique and exciting topics for presentation. There are many ideas that engineering students can use, especially in the professional field. You can talk about particularities of chipboard design or energy efficiency of buildings — technical stuff, you know. However, you can use exciting presentation checklist and think about critical, relevant and urgent applications of engineering. Here are ideas. I love business studies because they allow an immense variety of original and interesting topics. Ideas are so self-explanatory so you may open your PowerPoint right away and copy-and-paste the title for the cover page. Problems and challenges of the society are the best ideas for presentation because they are critical, relevant and urgent — no one can imagine better topics! Therefore, whatever issue you choose, there will be much material to use. The only thing you should ensure that your presentation will include three milestones. Wikipedia article for social issues has quite a complete list of problems to address — both by sociological type and country, so you can quickly pick one that fits you best. In my turn, I provide you with a list of topics that receive the highest scores in college and high school presentations. Students often ask me how to prepare and estimate a 5-minute presentation — quite a standard format for classroom activities and capstone projects. During my high school and undergraduate courses, hardly many presentations exceeded 5 minutes, except for diploma project and some advanced nerd stuff. I was concerned with this topic for quite a long time and surveyed tutors from communication classes who often deal with student presentations. The rules are: 1) The first slide that provides a question of the presentation and introduces the audience usually takes 30 seconds. 2) Each slide takes between 40 seconds and one minute, depending on content density. 3) The last “Thank you for attention” slide takes only ten seconds to finish. Thus, you will not be able to present more than six slides except the cover and the outro, and five slides are the best. It presents strict requirements for 5 minutes presentation topics — they should be very narrow and informative so that you could complete your speech in time. Here is a couple of examples of topics so you would know what you should look for. Now you know everything to choose the best presentation topic for you — and deal with nervousness and common pitfalls that students face. Now I want to say something as a person, not a professional nerd. My main lifehack — never use animations for slides and elements if it is not required! The more straightforward and transparent the presentation is, the easier it is to get your idea. Tutors and employers value simplicity, so there is no need to hassle with PowerPoint. I know that it is quite time-consuming to set up everything, but it is not worth it. By the way, what is your main problem with presentations? Drop a line in comments so that community and I could share their pain and lifehacks too 😀Help With My Essay
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